Help for Pets
The Kado Pet Foundation
Call Us at (860) 688-5108

Frequently Asked Questions

We try to anticipate questions you might have about The Kado Pet Foundation and provide the answers here. If you need additional information please feel free to contact us.


What does KADO do?

KADO provides lifetime care for animal companions to families that qualify for our program.  Once a pet is completely sponsored we take care of all of the financial needs including but not limited to food, vet care, training, litter, toys, treats, beds, collars, leashes, etc.   We guarantee that whatever illness or injury comes to be, we will provide the care that is needed, including treating cancer.

 Anyone who has not yet been fully sponsored or is on our waiting list, we still do our best to provide food, vet care and whatever else the pet needs if the finances are available.


Are the KADO kid's therapy pets?

They are not used to bring into nursing homes and other similar facilities.  They have families that they belong to.   It is a win win situation as these pets are kept in the loving homes that they already have and the families win because of the the mind, body and spirit benefits that they receive from their animal companions.


What happens to a KADO Kid if there family goes to a nursing home or ends up passing away?

Once a KADO kid is sponsored they will always  be part of our program.  They will either be placed in a forever foster home or preferably with another KADO family.  KADO will always provide for their financial needs and we will make sure that they are in a loving good home.  They will never go to a shelter or worse!


Are all of these pets adopted into the program?

No many of our clients have had their pets for many years.  They have grown old together.   Many of the pets were adopted years ago when their families were healthy and didn't have financial difficulties.  Our goal is to keep animal companions in their loving homes that they already have, so that they don't have to be surrendered to a shelter or worse.

However, for people who qualify for our program and would like to adopt a pet we can help them do that as well.  We have done several adoptions.

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